
bella makes faces because she thinks she is funny since her dad was laughing at her.:)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Why is the new year so filled with last years stuff?

I always think it's funny how we call it the new year and vow to be better at well, just about everything. We are now well into the time when LAST years taxes are coming due, We get organized by cleaning closets filled with LAST years stuff. We recover from LAST year's holidays and vow to be a little more careful not to eat as much as, you guessed it LAST year. Oh yeah and we tend to think we should not only eat as much bit we also want to take of the excess weight we gained LAST year so, why do we call it the new year instead of the redo since few of us ever actually make it through these lofty goals of ours, we just redo them again and again and again. Well, I guess my closets were clean for a week this year but only because I did it at the end of LAST year. Happy Resolutioning and good luck with the redo.

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The kids had their own private sled hill and we could barely drag them inside.


Bella is tring so hard to keep up with the big boys.:)

Faith's arm being broken meant she read at the cabin rather than sledding.

What a great view of the lake.

Sledding Anyone

Sledding Anyone
Justin is the master of the plow and we all have so much fun watching our kids sled in our own front yard! Added to our nice sloped yard and the kids stay busy for hours:)

Wyatts Christmas Program

Wyatts Christmas Program
Wyatt, our 6 year old on the front left singing for us at his Christmas Program


Bella poses for the camera


Faith with best friend Mira

Christmas Day

Christmas Day
We are such Artists! Each year we make a denim quilt for one of our family members. This one is Red and Black so not Justins Favorite but we knew they would like it. Brad & Liz are in love with their "babymaker" as they nicknamed it. One can only hope.