
bella makes faces because she thinks she is funny since her dad was laughing at her.:)

Friday, April 30, 2010

We Are Webelos!

Nicholas got his Webelos badge last week and Bella kissed a girl REALLY! eeewww! It was so funny though all poor Justin could do was laugh while the girl kissed her(they are both 4) and he snapped pictures of clueless me and Nick while he pinned the mother's pin for the achievement on me. It was a good night though and both the little girls parents, and our family still had a good time and a laugh out of the situation. I will say that Bella is going to be a handful regardless of what choices she makes and Nick is going to be a great guy BECAUSE of the choices he makes.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The world did not stop turning.

We had such a great time as a family this last week at a friends cabin and really enjoyed being able to spend time with just us. It has been a while since we got away like this and what with the craziness of both of us working and midterms coming up we really needed this de-stress time. We went sledding and read and hung out in front of the fire and since we had no phone service or tv or internet we HAD to be together, much to the chagrin of our 12 year old but, in the end it was such a special time for us all. Usually bear lake is the place to be in the summer and I was surprised to find it nearly devoid of life and surprisingly peacful and quiet. If you haven't done this in a while I highly recommend it even if you just have to unplug all your phones and televisions. I promise the world will not come to and end without your mother calling you every 10 seconds.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Why is the new year so filled with last years stuff?

I always think it's funny how we call it the new year and vow to be better at well, just about everything. We are now well into the time when LAST years taxes are coming due, We get organized by cleaning closets filled with LAST years stuff. We recover from LAST year's holidays and vow to be a little more careful not to eat as much as, you guessed it LAST year. Oh yeah and we tend to think we should not only eat as much bit we also want to take of the excess weight we gained LAST year so, why do we call it the new year instead of the redo since few of us ever actually make it through these lofty goals of ours, we just redo them again and again and again. Well, I guess my closets were clean for a week this year but only because I did it at the end of LAST year. Happy Resolutioning and good luck with the redo.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Steep learning curve

I am always surprised at how much I really don't know. It is probably a good thing too since it would be hard for the lord to teach me if I felt I knew everything. I tend to be an "expert" on the things I think I know well and there is no telling me I am wrong on lots and lots of things. Just one of those traits that I am thankful for an eternity to work on. Any how, this is the 2nd week that I have been doing this blog and also the 2nd week in a row that Justin has been gone during the week. The things that are coming into sharp focus are as follows: FIRST: I am NOT a genius with computers and often times it takes me hours what someone else could do in seconds and without getting a headache. I like them and I am learning some things but seriously I am still trying to figure out how people use and can afford to use thier phone to post on facebook. UGH! I renewed my contract for another 2 years and was still too afraid of how they looked let alone how they worked. Well you get the picture I am a novice with technology. Second: My husband is invaluable and seriously the better half of the two of us. He is loving to our kids and I and the most capable person I know for doing most anything that you could possibly imagine from fixing cars (and not just the easy stuff), to fixing the house, He is a contractor, and going to school full time, pulling straight A's in Pre meds while working full time plus a little and somehow he manages to still be happy and cheerful. I really would be lost without him and find especially when he is gone that there are lots of things that don't get done when he is gone that I take for granted. I would be lost if I had to check the oil or shovel the walks or watch for his tire pressure to be low or even to solve a complex mathematical equation or learn how the nervous system works with the brain and spine. So the point is there are so many things I dont know but mostly I need to learn to be more thankful for the things I do and maybe try this next year to be a little more loving and humble like the lord needs us to be in order to teach us. Maybe, that is why Justin is so smart....I love you honey.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hello again. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. It's funny but I really don't feel like it's over yet since we have so many parties and birthdays in our family this time of year. I love how the season always keeps me so busy and slightly frazzled keeping me from getting the after Christmas blues I always hear about. Hope you and yours are doing as well as me and mine. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

The kids had their own private sled hill and we could barely drag them inside.


Bella is tring so hard to keep up with the big boys.:)

Faith's arm being broken meant she read at the cabin rather than sledding.

What a great view of the lake.

Sledding Anyone

Sledding Anyone
Justin is the master of the plow and we all have so much fun watching our kids sled in our own front yard! Added to our nice sloped yard and the kids stay busy for hours:)

Wyatts Christmas Program

Wyatts Christmas Program
Wyatt, our 6 year old on the front left singing for us at his Christmas Program


Bella poses for the camera


Faith with best friend Mira

Christmas Day

Christmas Day
We are such Artists! Each year we make a denim quilt for one of our family members. This one is Red and Black so not Justins Favorite but we knew they would like it. Brad & Liz are in love with their "babymaker" as they nicknamed it. One can only hope.